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Registered Massage Therapist

Nicole Dagher



Massage Therapy

Thrive Urban Wellness

471 Timothy St, Newmarket, ON L3Y 1P9

A Bit About Me

Nicole has over 10 years of clinical experience providing professional, high-quality massage
treatments to a diverse clientele and currently holds an active membership in good standing with
the CMTO. Her treatment style emphasizes myofascial release, deep-tissue manipulation, sports
and therapeutic massage.
Along with a deep fascination for human anatomy, Nicole was drawn to the profession of
Massage Therapy through her dedication to help others lead healthier lives and empower them to
realize their own health and wellness goals. Through her own personal health journey, she
noticed that the trajectory of healing lies beyond the physical manifestation of pain (as many of
us have been led to believe). Our physical constitution cannot be separated from our mental,
emotional and energetic anatomies, which are all considered in Nicole’s massage practice.
Nicole believes that we benefit most from a combination of Eastern and Western practices that
address patterns of pain and dysfunction, while treating the Whole person. Through this blended
approach, Nicole watched her client outcomes improve, which further motivated her to ensure
that it would be a key element in her treatments.
With curiosity and what her clients would describe as a “deeply intuitive” nature,
Nicole’s massage practice has evolved to incorporate a diverse range of modalities. She most
recently completed a combined Yoga Teacher Training and Sound Therapy Training in Hatha,
Restorative, and Yin yoga. Nicole is passionate about finding joy and ease through movement,
meditation, sound, and breathwork, often blending her knowledge and skills into her treatments.
Nicole is committed to holding a safe and inclusive space for people of all backgrounds, bodies,
and identities. She places high value on listening to her clients’ experiences and treatment goals,
creating a comfortable environment to address personal concerns and questions free of judgment.
Her services are for everybody and every body. Nicole will work with you to create a treatment
plan specifically tailored to meet you where you are, and one that is flexible enough to adapt to
your needs as they evolve.
Other offerings: self-myofascial release, remedial exercise, lymphatic drainage, cupping
therapy, acupressure, guided breathwork, aromatherapy, hydrotherapy, gua sha/graston
technique, meditation/mindfulness and sound therapy. Please inquire to add any combination of
the above therapies to your massage treatment.
Nicole looks forward to hearing about your health and wellness journey, understanding your
specific concerns, and working together to create the best possible treatment outcomes.

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